Lose total control


Co-opting suffering
Love and warmth
We own the science
Saw that everywhere
Meritocracy and valor
Nissan knows what you did last summer


Where do we disagree?
Die playing our own thing
Corrupt all the way down


Novel morality
No fog
Postmodern consent
Calm capable women
To be an individual
Going at it blind
Education of the heart
Swift downfall
Who do the work
Because it hurts
Fumbling the future
Not convinced
Parkinson’s law


Define Professional
Malice cured by stupidity
On too-simple solutions
Die Frau mit dem Fagott
The eternal return
Legally Christian
Quantum realm


Spiritual damage
Desire to punish
Gothic mask
Not professional
Data no defense
World divided
Change programming
COVID and cronies
Universities and truth
Code is for people
Data science tools over time
Against data
Despair of Twitter


Chomsky on class war
Big stuff in Ukraine
The great university con
Thinking is the hardest work
Maths and a hard chair
Learning and Twitter
Worse is better
How is Julia doing?
Python, and R, 2019
Brexit and modern art
Awful indignation
Lambda calculus, a vignette
I don’t want to get too meta here, but, I just got an email about the phased shutdown and deletion of Google+ content


Who knew
The Joys of the Craft
He’s still alive
What is Data Science
The Dunning-Kruger effect
Just a humble question
Why I’m Learning Python in 2018


Do not love the system
The seeker after truth
Data Engineering
Gender reveal parties
Shotguns to toddlers
Hatred in America
Inauguration day
Let them eat Gauss


On getting basics right
Data Scientist (n.)
Who is reading?
TODD talks
Makes-sense epistemology
But - it is only Python and R, measures code contribution by number of commits, and doesn’t (can’t) analyze journals for which text is not freely available


Jon Stewart on bullshit
Please sign this
Living in the danger zone
Chomsky - you can only be “concise” if you saying something everyone believes already


For the quote at the top from Steve Gilhooey


Honest, and later on, wise
The core melts down
Disapproval of heart
A bad time
Disapproval of heart
A bad time
Quoting from


my niece is so awesome!!!!!
Then, on the BBC report
I visited this link
The photo that JB sent to Neuroimage, celebrating finishing our somewhat late paper


I never felt I had quite grasped floating point, so wrote a tutorial to explain it to myself