An occasional cure for injelititis

As you may know from your reading of C. Northcote Parkinson, "injelitance" is the substance that you get when you fuse jealousy and incompetence.

"Injelititis" is the disease that results when an organization choses a leader carrying a heavy burden of injelitance.

Now the leader is incompetent and therefore, at best, second rate. They are also jealous, so they will be careful not to hire anyone who is better than third rate. The organization dies from the top down.

However, the leader's unconscious plan to destroy the organization can sometimes fail, despite their best efforts (remember - they are incompetent):

"It is as if the whole institution had been sprayed with a DDT solution guaranteed to eliminate all ability found in its way. For a period of years this practice achieves the desired result. Eventually, however, individuals develop an immunity. They conceal their ability under a mask of imbecile good humor. The result is that the operatives assigned to the task of ability-elimination fail (through stupidity) to recognize ability when they see it. An individual of merit penetrates the outer defenses and begins to make his way toward the top. He wanders on, babbling about golf and giggling feebly, losing documents and forgetting names, and looking just like everyone else. Only when he has reached high rank does he suddenly throw off the mask and appear like the demon king among a crowd of pantomime fairies. With shrill screams of dismay the high executives find ability right there in the midst of them. It is too late by then to do anything about it. The damage has been done, the disease is in retreat, and full recovery is possible over the next ten years."

Parkinson, Cyril Northcote. Parkinson's law, and other studies in administration. London: John Murray, 1958.

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